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What is the Qualitative Methods Community of Practice?

The OUHSC Qualitative Methods Community of Practice (QMCOP) is open to investigators who have specialized in qualitative research methods. The QMCOP is led by co-directors: Julia McQuoid, PhD, Kerstin M. Reinschmidt, PhD, MPH, and Jordan Neil, PhD.

Our aim is to build the OUHSC’s capacity and reputation in employing excellent qualitative research methods in the health sciences. The QMCOP conducts itself according to three characteristics of an effective Community of Practice. First, a shared domain of interest. We believe in conducting rigorous qualitative research and aim to bring together members who are equally committed to understanding how best to advance high-quality, impactful qualitative research at OUHSC. Second, the community. We believe in creating an environment that values qualitative research and offers members the opportunity to engage in discussions and activities, as well as fostering relationships that promote co-learning.

We are committed to providing mentorship to trainees in qualitative research methods, as well as creating a community of expert faculty members from diverse academic disciplines. Finally, the practice. The QMCOP meets quarterly through a seminar series. Members present both recently completed and ongoing projects so, we, as a community, can learn from and provide support to other members when needed.

Our ultimate goal is to develop an inventory of practical resources, ranging from knowledge and first-hand experiences to advanced learning materials and shared datasets that offer opportunities for collaboration on exciting and meaningful qualitative research projects.